President: Jane Flowers geauxflow
VP of Membership: Carolyn Kilday ck13 
Secretary: Paula Robertson-Rose paularob
Newsletter Chairman: Eileen Pestorius eileenpestorius
Treasurer: Sue Kemp kempart64
Parliamentarian: Kay Hughes kayhughes.knottgarden
Historian: Eileen Pestorius eileenpestorius
Publicity Chairman: Kay Hughes kayhughes.knottgarden
Website: Wendy Layne wendy
Exhibition Chairman: Sofia Besondy sbesondy
Google Groups Chairman: Supriya Kharod sukh
Social Media Chairman: Bijal Ghelani bghelani
    there are intentional spaces in the email addresses to avoid scammers

Annual Dues
Membership annual dues should be received by January 1st of each year.
Juries for potential members are held in March and September as needed.
New members will pay their dues after they have been juried into the membership.


Members Page

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